In business, media, marketing, sports, politics, entertainment, and nearly every other facet of our lives, our world increasingly relies on data.

Real estate is no exception.

As a Texas REALTOR®, you have exclusive access to a new online tool with some of the most comprehensive, accurate real estate data available. The MarketViewer portal enables you to view key statistics for geographical boundaries you choose.

What information is available?

When you access the MarketViewer dashboard at, you will see monthly residential sales statistics for the state. You can change the three market selection fields to view other geographical areas, down to individual neighborhoods in many cases.

The initial screen displays median price, closed sales, active listings, days on market, days to close, months inventory, and the price distribution of residential sales. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of information available from MarketViewer’s tens of millions of data points.

Other available geographical boundaries include county, metropolitan area, city, ZIP code, school district, neighborhood, state and federal political districts, and city council districts,
where available.

You also can view the statistics compiled on a quarterly or annual basis. Most data in MarketViewer is available back to January 2015.

Create your own infographics to share

You can download an image or PDF of any screen in MarketViewer by selecting the “Download” link near the bottom-right corner of the page.

You can also generate attractive and easily sharable infographics to send via email, post to Facebook or Twitter, or add to your other communications and marketing materials. To create an infographic, click Menu at the top-left corner of the dashboard, then select “Infographic Generator.” Select the parameters for the data you want, then choose the type of file you would like to download.

Data for rentals, development, and more

In addition to residential sales, you can find metrics on apartment rents and vacancies (provided by Reis, Inc.), new construction stats (provided by Metrostudy), and historical mortgage-rate information (provided by Freddie Mac). Access these categories by clicking Menu in the top-left corner of MarketViewer.

Why this data is more accurate than other sources

The accuracy of the data in MarketViewer is unparalleled. Since the underlying data comes directly from local MLSs across Texas, it represents actual sales. Many real estate data sources rely heavily on imprecise inputs such as estimates, algorithms, or tax appraisals. Data experts at the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University use several “data scrubbing” routines to correct problems common in other real estate data sources. Home sales are analyzed for anomalies—such as a house with four bedrooms and zero bathrooms, or a property listed at $470,000 that reportedly sold for $4,700,000. Correcting errors like these produces more-accurate results.

The Real Estate Center also ensures that MarketViewer data isn’t skewed by a single sale being counted multiple times. In some data sources, a sale may be recorded two or more times if the property has been entered into multiple MLSs. To ensure that each sale is only tallied once, properties reflected in MarketViewer data are categorized by a precise geo-location—the exact latitude and longitude of a piece of real estate. If multiple sales appear in the data from the exact same geo-location, that sale is only counted one time.
MLS reports typically include only properties that were entered into that MLS. However, reports in MarketViewer reflect all property sales that occur within a geographical boundary regardless of which MLS the listings came from.

Due to these efforts to create the best, most reliable data, it’s possible that MarketViewer statistics may not match statistics from your own MLS, even when comparing the same time period.

Where did MarketViewer come from?

In 2015, the Texas REALTORS® launched the Texas REALTOR® Data Relevance Project, a partnership that included local REALTOR® associations and their MLSs. The project was made possible through a research agreement with the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. The Data Relevance Project has provided local REALTOR® associations access to comprehensive local data that the association can share with members and with local media. Many local REALTOR® associations have been using Data Relevance Project data and infographics in press releases, in member communications, and on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels.

The MarketViewer dashboard launched in April 2018 to give local associations—and, for the first time, individual Texas REALTORS®—an easy-to-use online tool to harness the powerful data and analytics of the Texas REALTOR® Data Relevance Project.

MarketViewer helps Texas REALTORS® quickly understand market statistics in a vast array of geographic areas across the state. With this information, local associations and individual members can position Texas REALTORS® as the authoritative voice of Texas
real estate.

MarketViewer is intended to enhance data that REALTORS® receive from MLSs, not replace it. The larger, more in-depth local dataset that MarketViewer provides helps Texas REALTORS® set accurate expectations among buyers and sellers and helps you and your clients make better decisions in our data-driven world.

Make sure to hover
You can quickly gain deeper insights into market data by placing your mouse over individual pieces of data on the dashboard. (On tablets, tap the data). You will see additional statistics such as trends over time, further breakouts of data, and percentage increases or decreases from previous reporting periods.

For example, if you place your mouse over a month’s median price, a chart will pop up that shows the monthly median price trend line from January 2015 through the current month. You may have to let your cursor hover over the data point for a second or two or click the data point to view the additional information.

MarketViewer Quick Start Guide

  • Visit
  • Log in with your password.
    1. Under Market Selector on the left side of the dashboard, choose your local association from the first dropdown menu.
    2. Choose the market type you want to view from the second dropdown menu.
    3. Choose the individual market from the options in the third dropdown menu.
    4. If you want to view data from previous months, use the Choose Month option.
      Uncover additional information by placing your cursor over each individual piece of data (on tablets, tap the data).

Find more MarketViewer features by clicking Menu in the top-left corner of the dashboard:

  • Comprehensive market reports
  • Apartment stats
  • New construction data
  • Mortgage rate history
  • Infographic generator.

MarketViewer FAQs

Can I share MarketViewer information with prospects, clients, appraisers, and others?

Yes, you can download screenshots and generate infographics from MarketViewer to share with anyone. However, you cannot give other people direct access to MarketViewer, since it is an exclusive member benefit for Texas REALTORS®.

When is new data released?

New market analytics are available to Texas REALTORS® approximately 30 days after the end of the month.

How do I know what the boundaries are for a particular geographical selection?

Access the Geography Viewer by clicking Menu at the top-left of the dashboard.

Why isn’t the neighborhood or city council district I’m looking for listed?

Some geographic boundaries are unavailable if they have not been provided by the information sources used by MarketViewer.

Where do I send feedback or questions about MarketViewer?

Send us an email